Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Enough is enough

"Anonymous said...

California should allot more than $5,500 per student per year. CA funding is 47th in the Nation. We need to do better than this. We spend $50,000 a year on a prisoner. There is something very wrong with this picture. We need to fund the future."

Here is my response:

California also has the highest number of students. Texas spends about $7358 per student does that sound like enough? That would add about what $10+ billion to the budget. Where do you expect this extra money to come from?

This argument about prisoners is ridiculous the prisoners unfortunately have to be housed 24 hrs a day, be fed 3 times a day, and be given medical care. You have my children for 7 hrs. and I pay for their lunches, school supplies, plus I participate in fundraisers.

We are becoming a society that is dependent on government spending (tax money they collect from society) and that cannot be sustained. There is a tipping point where there are more people with their hands out than people working and keeping their hands busy. We have hit this point and there is simply not enough money.

The money is not making it to the students anyway. More of it would go to the students if we had local control but we gave that up for Sacramento and the feds to run it and for that we are paying.

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