Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health care takeover


Takeover of health care has begun. It is a sad day in America. A few minor adjustments to the bill they have pushed through and it's done. America will be bankrupt in 4 years. If we last that long. I predicted rioting in the streets weeks ago if this bill passed. I hope and pray we can keep our heads while we figure out how to fix the mess this administration is creating. What is the answer?

STOP! Stop spending our money. It's not yours to spend. We don't need Government to tell us what to do we need government to remember it's job. Federal government is supposed to be for external uses like war, peace, negotiations, and foreign commerce. That is what they are supposed to spend money on. The individual states were supposed to be in control of their own environments so they were put in control of the interior like our welfare, education, and in essence the improvement and prosperity of the state. At this point I hope the states rise up and remind the Federal government that the individual states have rights but I am not holding my breath.

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